Monday, December 20, 2010
Understanding Why Your Child May Be Impatient
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Parents, Ask Your Kids For A Wish List
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sexual Abuse: Myths & Warning Signs
- Difficulty sitting or walking
- Torn, stained, or bloody underwear
- Genital/anal itching, pain, swelling, or burning
- Genital/anal bruises or bleeding
- Frequent urinary tract or yeast infections
- Pain while urinating
- Sexual Transmitted Disease
- Pregnancy
- Chronic unexplained sore throats
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss/gain
- Frequent stomach aches
- Frequent headaches
- Frequently tired
- Bedwetting
- Nightmares
- Depression
- Irritability
- Anger
- Low self-esteem
- Guilt
- Avoidance of people
- Sexual advances or inappropriate touching
- Sexual drawings
Sunday, October 31, 2010
What to do with all that candy
Monday, October 18, 2010
What are you surrounding yourself with?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Courageous Parenting
- In these days, what the world really needs is courageous parenting from mothers and fathers who are not afraid to speak up and take a stand (Emphasis added).
- Challenges and temptations are coming at teenagers with the speed and power of a freight train. Strong parents are necessary to fill the responsibility of protecting their children, both physically and spiritually (I would also add, emotional and mental, Emphasis added).
- If either parent doesn’t feel good about something, then permission should not be granted. If either feels uncomfortable about a movie, TV show, video game, dress, swimsuit or an internet activity, have the courage to support each other and say ‘No’ (Emphasis added).
- Beware of allowing your children to pair off in romantic relationships prematurely (Please read a previous post series on whether your child is ready to date).
- As well, beware of allowing your children to spend nights away from home. Too often drug experimenting, trying alcohol, violations of chastity, exposure to pornography, and encounters with police occur while spending a night away from home (Please read a previous post about sleepovers).
- There is a great deal of wisdom displayed when parents stay up and wait for their children to return home. Young men and women make far better choices when they know their parents are waiting up to hear about their evenings and to kiss them goodnight.
- Peer pressure becomes more powerful when our children are away from our influence
- There are five ways families can fortify themselves: family prayer, family scripture study, a weekly family activity (family home evening), family dinner, and one-to-one interviews with children.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Career Choice can Impact Family Life
There was a study done recently in the Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. This study looked at various occupations and divorce rates. It has heated up the debate over how career choices can impact our personal lives.
- Dancers and Choreographers (43.1%)
- Bartenders (38.4)
- Massage Therapists (38.2)
- Fish and Game Wardens (25.5)
- Law Enforcement Officers (14.5)
- Detectives (12.5)
- Casino Workers
- Telephone Operators
- Nurses
- Home Health Aides
- Agricultural Engineers
- Sales Engineers
- Nuclear Engineers
- Optometrists (4%)
- Clergy (5.6)
- Podiatrists (6.8)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Food Safety Quiz
- The best way to avoid food poisoning is to
- Use bacterial soaps
- Buy only organic food
- Wash your hands with plain soap and water before and after handling food
- Eat only at home, not at restaurants.
- Cooked foods should be refrigerated within
- 30 minutes
- 2 hours
- 3 hours
- 4 hours
- Which are potential sources of foodborne illness?
- Raw eggs, poultry, beef, seafood
- Unwashed produce
- Raw sprouts
- Unpasteurized milk, apple juice and apple cider.
- Which cutting board is safer?
- Plastic
- Wood
- If you get sick from eating an egg salad sandwich left out too long, the most likely culprit is the
- Bread
- Eggs
- Mayonnaise
- Relish
- True or False: Hard cheese with some surface mold does not need to be tossed.
- True or False: Raw meats can be marinated at room temperature, because the marinade kills bacteria
- True or False: It's safe to refreeze thawed or partially thawed foods.
- True or False: Packaged salad greens labeled "prewashed" or "triple washed" don't need further washing.
- True or False: The "sniff" test is a reliable way to tell if food is tainted with bacteria.
- (3) Frequent and thorough handwashing is the No. 1 infection fighter. Plain soap will do - antibacterial products are not more effective and may contribute to drug-resistant bacteria. More people get food poisoning at home; restaurant meals are just reported more.
- (2) 2 hours. If the weather is hot, reduce it to one hour. Remember to count the time it takes you to eat.
- (All) It's not just animal foods that can harbor microbes. Besides cooking meat to proper temperature and eggs until not runny, wash all produce (including organic, which is also susceptible to microbes) with plain water.
- Either is fine, as long as you scrub it with soap and water after cutting raw meat, poultry or fish on it. One advantage of plastic is that you can put it in the dishwasher. You may want to have different boards for raw meats and produce. Replace boards that have deep grooves or cracks.
- (2) Bacteria thrive on high-protein foods such as eggs, tuna and chicken - not in store-bought mayo. Homemade mayonnaise, made from raw eggs (and no preservatives), however, can cause salmonella poisoning.
- True. Just cut off at least an inch beyond the mold. The same goes for hard fruits and vegetables, such as apples and potatoes. Soft fruits and cheeses with mold, however, should be discarded.
- False. Marinate all meat, poultry and seafood in the refrigerator. Do not add leftover marinade to the cooked meat unless you boil it first. Transfer the cooked meat to a clean platter, not back to the dish that held the raw meat.
- True, as long as the food still has ice crystals or is below 4°C (40°F). Refreezing may, however, affect the food's flavour and texture.
- True. Greens and other vegetables washed at the processing plant and labeled as such are probably cleaner than home-washed greens can ever be (but you pay extra for the convenience). Other greens, not labeled as having been washed should be thoroughly washed.
- False. You usually can't smell or taste the microbes that cause food poisoning. Still, if food does smell bad, throw it out.
Here are two clips of a colleague of mine who spoke on "Keeping the Kitchen Clean & Safe"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Keeping Your Children Safe From Pornography
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Picture from FreeDigitalPhotos.Net |
Pornography Warning Label: “Contents highly addictive. Extremely corrosive to the soul materials enclosed. Be prepared to have your mind twisted, your views of life ravaged, and your spirit shrunk… Be prepared that after an initial rush, you will experience feelings of depression, loneliness, despair and guilt. However, with repeated exposures over time, you can numb those feelings – and enter into almost total amnesia about who you really are and about the truth it self.” – Wendy Watson.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Remember You Are a Husband First
There are several things that you can do to help you put your wife first:
- Remember to date your wife. Have a date night once a week, where it is just you and your wife. No kids.
- Spend time together daily. Watch a TV show together, read a book, play a game, shop together. Just do something to be together daily.
- Pray together. Studies have shown that couples that pray together, stay together.
- Give a token that says, “I love you”. While at school or work, send your wife a text message saying, “I love you”. Leave a note at home. Do something that will let her know that you love her.
- Consider showering when you get home. We all shower for when we have to leave to work. Have you ever thought of the impression you’d give your spouse if showered for her when you got home work, to get rid of that work smell? Try it.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tips to get your Child Ready for Kindergarten
- A month before, or as soon as possible if less than, start establishing a routine to prepare for the transition. Get up earlier, eat a packed lunch, and anything else that you feel will help prepare your child for kindergarten.
- Read some books about going to kindergarten.
- Ask if you can bring your child in to get familiar with the room.
- Meet the teacher and principal of the school.
- Make sure that your child has the appropriate immunizations.
- Teach your child to say “please” and “thank you”
- Plan now not to drag out “good bye” on the first day of classes.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Moving with Toddlers
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Photo from FreeDigitalPhotos.Net |
- Involve the toddler in packing and unpacking their bedroom to help them understand where their stuff is going.
- On the big moving day (or days), have your child stay with a friend or family member so that they don’t get hurt or overwhelmed by all the changes.
- Keep enough supplies and toys unpacked so that you can still meet your child’s needs during the transition.
- Unpack enough of your child’s room so that they will feel comfortable.
- Be prepared for night terrors or nightmares. Even though your child may show few symptoms of stress while awake, they may come out while sleeping.
- Have a clear path from your toddlers bedroom to your bedroom. This way you can get to them in the dark without any pain, and same with your child.
- If you are making a long distance move, make a trip out of it. Have fun on the drive, do sight seeing, if possible.
- If the move is far, consider as a father doing the driving on your own, and having your wife and child(ren) stay behind and fly out when you arrive. This could minimize the stress on your family as a whole, but costs more.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Get Your Kids To Purchase TV Time By Reading
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Photo From FreeDigitalPhotos.Net |
The benefits of reading are endless. Being successful at school to being independent in assignments and tasks.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Music & Your Toddler

Music can play an important role in your toddler’s life. Music can be used as a way to sooth your child before bed. It can also be used to dance to.
However, music that we play for our child is just our music being ‘forced’ onto the child. Some children will learn how to change a song on the iPod or CD player, but it is just from a playlist or CD that we have established. Whileit may be fun to dance to a song that you liked growing up, it is much more beneficial to let the child explore sounds.
The other concern, potentially, with the music that we listen to is the lyrics. Toddlers are in sponge mode, absorbing everything. So they may take in a word or two that you may not want them to know.
But also since they are in sponge mode, you can introduce a musical instrument to them! If you have a piano, or some child’s version of it, let them play with it. Watch how they discover sounds. Even pots and pans can prove to be very interesting.
There are lots of child simplified instruments that can be used by your child if they don’t take to something like the piano.
Playing music is a type of ‘therapy’, like art therapy, that can provide stress reduction. It is also a way for your child to express themselves.
Your child may not be the next Beethoven, but they can still explore and have fun playing an instrument. Plus, who knows, maybe your child will grow up to be a musician.
Picture from
How have you used music in your parenting?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Becoming Your Child’s Emotional Coach
There is one thing that men are usually not good with, emotions. We tend to not want to show, display, or express them in public. But we still feel them.
Our children however, have no problem showing, displaying, or expressing their emotions. As a father, we need to be a part of helping our children learn to recognize, label, and control their emotions.
Julie Hanks, of the Wasatch Family Therapy Center, gives us The 5 Steps To Raising an Emotionally Healthy Child.
- Be aware of your child’s emotions. Your child has emotions, which are inside, and they express them externally in their behaviours. You need to recognize, even though your child may be young, that they do have emotions.
- Recognize the emotion as an opportunity for teaching. You can empathize and teach your child about the emotion they are feeling. You can acknowledge and accept the emotion, even if it is negative. We can also teach our children how to control and manage their emotions.
- Listen, empathize, and validate your child’s emotions. Listen with your eyes, ears, mind, and heart to understand what your child is trying to say from their perspective. With your words you can reflect back what you feel your child is trying to say, and help label the emotions.
- Help your child label their emotions in words they understand. Make sure you label what the child IS feeling not what the SHOULD or OUGHT to be feeling. You can describe their behaviour and attach it to an emotion. Something simple like “When you are crying, I can tell that you are sad”.
- Help your child come up with ways to manage their emotions. Help your child come up with healthy solutions to help manage and control their emotions. Also to find ways to appropriately express their emotions.
As we become our child’s emotional coach, it will help our child discover and manage their emotions. It will also help us, as fathers, develop a closer relationship with our children.
How has helping your child with their emotions benefited your relationship? Did you parents coach you in your emotions?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Turn Off The TV, and Get Outside!
There are a lot more enticements for your children to stay inside. Like the Xbox 360, 500 Channel Digital TV, computer games, Internet, and so on.
Here are some things you can do to help get your children outside.
First, be a barrier to the television. According to, we spend, on average, 1023 hours watching television in a year. Enforce a rule where you can only watch TV and play video games for two hours every day. That’s it. Notice the “and”, that’s two hours for both. Maybe then your children will only watch the shows they really want, and play their favourite video games and, therefore, spend less time in front of the TV.
Second, get them to become active. Go outside and play. Enroll your kids in a sports team. Help them get their friends together and play ball, of any kind. Go bike riding. Just do something active outside. Help them make it a weekly event.
Third, get them to read a book. They now have ample time on their hands. Help them find a book they like, and wanted to read but couldn’t during the school year, from the library. Maybe read the Twilight series and see what the hype is all about. Most of all, help keep those brain cells growing.
Fourth, make sure that you have one night a week to spend with as family. Dad, take the lead and arrange this. Your wife will be grateful. Use any night. Just do something you have never done before as a family. Go to a museum. Go bowling or mini golfing. Maybe make a cake together. Go swimming. Play that board game that you got for Christmas and haven’t played since Boxing Day. Do something weekly with your family.
Most of all, enjoy the summer weather, together. Yes, some will have to work, but it can still be done. Let us get out and be active, turn off that TV, read a book, and play a sport, and maybe, just maybe, you will have discovered something new this summer.
Monday, June 21, 2010
World Cup Soccer Family Activities

It’s World Cup Soccer! It is well under way. I received this email chain letter from my father-in-law the other day. As humorous as it is, it is also a statement of how much this tournament singles the father out from the rest of the family.
However, World Cup Soccer can be used as a family learning and bonding experience. It is a great opportunity to learn about the world we live in.
Here are some things that you can do with your children, besides just watching the game:
- Name the Country. Flag recognition is usually easy in North America; however, the rest of the world can be difficult. You can make little flag cut outs, and try to match the country name to the flag.
- Where on the Globe. Go pull out the globe or atlas that is collecting dust. When a game is being played, or about to be played, try to find where they are on the map.
- Learn to say “Hello”. There are 32 countries playing, not all of them speak English. Using the Internet, you can learn to say “Hello” in the competing countries language.
- Family History. Go through your family ancestry with your children, and find out which country, or countries are in your roots, that are playing.
- Make a Craft. Get out the scrap paper, scissors and other stationary items and make a soccer craft. Maybe it is a collage of their favorite team. Maybe they’ll construct their own flag.
- Soccer Snacks. Work together to make a soccer shaped cake, or cookies shaped as countries.
- World foods. Have a complete meal as if you were eating in Chile, or South Africa, or South Korea.
The ideas are endless. These are just some ideas to get you started. This will help make World Cup Soccer a Family event, not just a Daddy event.
What are some things you are doing together as a family?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Speak Dad’s Love Language in Father’s Day Gift Giving

Father’s day is coming up this weekend. If you are a last minute shopper, don’t fall for the advertisements.
Father’s day, like most holidays, has become tremendously commercialized. “Get dad Avatar,” the latest adds go. Or get him a new BBQ, the Kindle, or iPad. Those are great gifts, for a birthday, but not for Father’s Day. Father’s Day is a day to celebrate fatherhood and to show appreciation.
As part of appreciating, it would be good to line up the gift with Dad’s love language.
Words of Affirmation. If this is his dominant love language, Dad would appreciate something like a letter from the children. A letter indicating why you love dad and what he has done for you. He may also just love to hear “I love you” from everyone.
Quality Time. Dad would prefer to spend time together with the family. Whether this is an all together activity, or separate time with each individual will vary by dad. This is to be undivided attention. No iPods, books, or other distractions.
Receiving Gifts. This doesn’t mean that Dad wants Avatar as a gift for Father’s Day. It is the thought behind the gift, not the price tag. So if you want to get Dad a movie, get him something he can watch with the kids. But it can also be a creative gift, like crafts from the kids. Again, just to emphasize, this is not as much about what the gift is as it is about the effort, thought and love put into it.
Physical Touch. A hug from all the family members could do wonders for Dad. If you go for a walk, hold hands. Throughout the day, touch Dad on the arm, and look him in the eye and tell him you love him.
Acts of Service. Those little ‘coupons’ with ‘bed made daily for a week’, or ‘one free car wash’ would be right up dad’s alley. Of course, those coupons need to be followed through. Maybe there is a spot in the home that dad just hasn’t organized, do that for him. Something else to do is to not have Dad do anything for the day. You can drive, cook, clean, and so on to give Dad a break.
If you speak Dad’s love language this Father’s Day, he will really feel appreciated and understood.
You can go to Gary Chapman’s website and take the test to determine your love language, and to learn more about love languages.
What are you giving your dad for father’s day??
Monday, June 7, 2010
Are You Ready To Be A Father?

“How wonderful a thing is a child. How beautiful is a newborn babe. There is no greater miracle than the creation of life” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “What Are People Asking about Us?,” Ensign, Nov. 1998)
So you are going to be a father. Are you ready?
There are some indicators that you should be aware of. First off, let’s dispel the common misconception that marital satisfaction declines heavily after a child. On average a decline does happen, but the decline is usually small. There is also the potential for marital satisfaction to remain the same or increase.
Studies have shown that there are certain indicators that will help a marriage thrive during the transition to parenthood. Belsky and Kelly (1994) called them the six transition domains:
- Self – the couple’s ability to merge their individual selves into a large ‘Us’
- Gender Ideology – the meeting of the couples expected and predetermined gender roles
- Emotionality – whether the couple is vulnerable to stress
- Expectations – is the baby affecting their marriage in the way the couple expected?
- Communication – can the couple keep talking like they did before the baby
- Conflict Management – can the couple handle stress in a healthy way
Belsky and Kelly also said that the feelings of love towards a spouse played a role as well in the transition to parenthood.
The one typical cause of dispute after the arrival of a child is the division of household labor. Usually men will do what they know how to do best, and that is work more paid hours to provide for the family. Women, typically are satisfied when the man meets her expectations. However, if the man is contributing less than desired, she will generally be dissatisfied and may feel that the division is unfair. So, if you and your wife are disputing over who should do the dishes, why don’t you help her out and do the dishes, no matter how hard your day at work was. In reality, you should be willing to talk about your expectations together. Taking the time to talk about such conflicts, understand one another, and adjust your various workloads can work wonders.
Men sometimes feel jealous that they do not form that same kind of “instant-bond” that women get when the baby arrives. Fathers, understand that your wife has been carrying around that baby for nine months, feeling it grow, stretch, and kick against her. She has been getting attached to the baby for those nine months. The moment that baby is born, your pregnancy begins. You now get to hold, carry, touch and nurture your child so that you can start forming that bond.
Most of all, know that you are not alone in your adventure into fatherhood. There are plenty of resources, such as fathering, parenting, or prenatal classes. It can help to sign up for a class to to better prepare yourself. There are also other people who have been where you are who can help you. You just need to ask.
What are some things that you wish you had known before having a baby? What are some things you wish your spouse had known before having a baby?
Monday, May 31, 2010
Is Your Daughter Ready to Date? Part Three

The previous two times we have talked about the signs of whether your daughter is ready to date. We looked at Emotional Maturity, and whether she was Personally Responsible, Empathetic, and Self-Controlling. If she was, she is ready to date. (Click here to read part one, click here to read part two)
But Dad’s, just cause your daughter is ready to date, doesn’t mean she is prepared. As you may know from your own experience, some people you have gone on dates with probably should not have been dating. Your daughter needs to have a plan if she is to be kept safe while dating. You need to prepare her so that she doesn’t end up in an abusive or manipulative relationship.
How could your angel end up in such a relationship? Well, those who have the potential to be abusive or manipulative are very cunning. They wear a mask, and charm. They seem like such a catch. But once in the net, your daughter could be stuck in a relationship she doesn’t want to be in, but the abusive or manipulative individual will twist your daughter to keep her in a relationship.
So to prevent this Dad, you need to sit down with your daughter and discuss the four steps to the three-dates rule. These four steps will help your daughter, within three dates, determine if the person she is dating is abusive or manipulative.
First Step.
You need to teach your daughter to recognize characteristics of an abusive or manipulative individual. Someone who is abusive or manipulative lacks Emotional Maturity. So they will be lacking personal responsibility, empathy, and self-control. You can go to a previous post to look at characteristics of someone who is Emotionaly Immature. However, I wish to add some other characteristics here.
If the person your daughter is dating does the following, they lack Empathy (Remember we are talking about someone she has just started dating and are in the first three dates):
- Call/Text after 11pm
- Asks for money
- Says she is high maintenance
- Criticizes her
- Comments about her body
- Says “I love you” and “You are perfect for me”
They are lacking Personal Responsibility if they:
- Seem to good to be true
- Are the ultimate nice guy who keeps getting dumped
- Easily get annoyed or offended
They are lacking Self-Control if they:
- Want to get sexual
- Keep pressuring, even when the response is no
- Cling to your daughter
- Want your daughter to be exclusively dating them
- Tell her that they won’t be able to handle it if she rejects them
Tell your daughter it is important to listen to her feelings. If she is feeling that she has to please him, feels anxious or inadequate, feels that she needs to be smarter, thinner, or perfect, or feels that something is wrong, she needs to terminate the date immediately! Dates are supposed to be fun!
Second Step.
Tell your daughter that she needs to assert herself while on dates. She needs to share, within reason, what her dislikes and likes are, what her feelings, needs, goals, and wants are. After that, she needs to watch her date’s reaction. Someone who is emotionally immature and abusive or manipulative won’t care about your daughter’s feelings. If that’s the case, this is a relationship that she shouldn’t pursue.
You also need to help your daughter develop dating boundaries, such as meeting in public. If any of her dating boundaries get broken knowingly by her date, this is someone who disrespects your daughter.
Third Step.
Help your daughter find someone she can talk to about the date. This may be you, it may not be. It may be mom, aunt, sister, someone from church, or a friend. After each date she needs to share the details of the date to this person. This friend may see things that your daughter may not be seeing. It is important that it is someone she trusts, so that she will take their advice, whether it is positive or negative. This will help your daughter stay connected to the truth and not to fantasy.
Fourth Step.
Teach her to listen to her gut. She shouldn’t have to convince herself to go out on a date with this person, or that she likes him. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t go on the date! Tell her that if she doesn’t listen to her gut feeling, it will stop talking to her.
The first three dates should be comfortable, fun, and easy. If they aren’t, don’t go or follow up. This will help your daughter be safe while dating, so that she doesn’t get caught up in a harmful relationship.
***Taken from Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man by Alisa Goodwin Snell.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Is Your Daughter Ready to Date? Part Two

Last week, we discussed signs that your daughter is not ready to date. If she lacks Emotional Maturity in Self-Control, Empathy, and Personal Responsibility, she is not ready to date. Of course, it is hard to want to spot the negatives in your daughter, but it is something to be aware of. Today, let’s discuss the characteristics of someone who is Emotionally Mature and ready to date. To read the first part, please go here.
Sometimes, as a society, we feel that once our child hits a certain age they are ready to experience certain things in life. Dating is one of those things that we believe can start at a certain age. Sometimes a 16 year old is ready to date, and an 18 year old may not be. Why? Emotional maturity. So let’s look at some of the signs that your daughter may be ready to date.
- Your daughter would demonstrate that she has empathy by:
- Trying to see things from another person’s perspective
- Changing her behavior out of concern for others
- Forgiving herself and others, in reasonable time
- Setting boundaries in relationships
- Listening to others’ feelings and needs
- Recognizing her emotions
- Talking about her feelings and issues with those that she is close to and trusts
- Feeling connected to and loved by others, herself, and God.
Your daughter would show personal responsibility by:
- Accepting feedback from others about her behavior
- Admitting she is wrong and taking action to correct it
- Being realistic about commitments
- Saying ‘No’, when needed
- Asking for and accepting help
- Accepting responsibility for mistakes, but still feeling that she has value
- Using active language
- Making plans and commitments, and following through
- Asking for forgiveness
- Looking others in the eyes
- Being honest.
Your daughter would show that she has self-control by:
- Showing an ongoing effort to have more self-control over problem behaviors
- Being willing to change behaviors she enjoys but which cause harm or problems to others
- Continuing to seek help through counseling, books, and people she trusts
- Continuing her positive efforts, even when others are not supportive
- Setting goals and achieving them
- Doing what she says she will do
- Going to school each day, doing her duty, and obeying the laws
- Respecting authority figures, laws, rules, etc. (even if she wouldn’t be caught and punished)
- Accepting the consequences of her choices without acting out or getting angry.
Now, this isn’t to say your daughter needs to be “perfect” to date. She will still have problems, weakness, and issues. The difference in what makes her emotionally mature is the way that she handles these problems.
When your daughter is emotionally mature, she will be ready to date.
Next time we will discuss dating rules that you should set with your daughter so that she will be safe, and not get into an abusive and manipulative relationship.
***Taken from Dating Game Secrets for Marrying a Good Man by Alisa Goodwin Snell.